středa 24. ledna 1996

Zajímavosti ze zahraničí

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Subject:Zajimavosti ze zahranici
From:Borivoj BRDICKA <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-To:Diskuse na tema stredni skoly a Internet.
Date:Wed, 24 Jan 1996 23:04:48 MET

     Na konferenci  EDTECH bezi v  soucasne dobe diskuze,  kterou
puvodne  vyvolal  Dr.  Don  Zarlengo,  o  tom, jak mohou pocitace
pomoci  studentum uspet.  Snad  vas  tato problematika  bude take
zajimat.  Zde  jsou  tri  charakteristicke  prispevky.  Nemam cas
prelozit je doslova, a tak alespon strucne.
     Prvni   je   odpoved   Sophie   Smith,   ucitelky   dejepisu
z Kalifornie. Podle jejiho nazoru je  otazkou spise to, jak mohou
studenti  21. st.  uspet bez  technologie (mysli  se informacni).
Pouze  nase generace  se muze  jeste zabyvat  otazkou uzitecnosti
technologii,  protoze ma  z ni  strach. Mlada  generace ho  nema,
protoze bez ni nikdy nezila.
     Rozhodujici je nepripustit upadek technologie, ktery by mohl
nastat, pokud bude  stat mimo a samostatne, ale  integrovat ji do
osnov  vsech  predmetu,  ktere  musi  byt  upraveny. Bude to stat
nejaky cas. Bohuzel nam ho mnoho nezbyva.
     Druha reakce  je od Kathy Schaw,  ktera se zabyva systemovou
reformou  zakladni   skoly  a  sveruje   se  se  svymi   osobnimi
zkusenostmi s  vyukou skupiny na  technologii zamerenych zaku  3.
a 4. tridy. Rika,  ze je to fantasticke, jak  nadseni a nezavisli
jsou  zaci pri  ziskavani informaci  prostrednictvim technologii.
Pritom  pouzivaji  CD-ROM,  Internet,  E-mail,  skenery,  barevne
tiskarny,  digitalni kamery  a mnoho  programu (nechtel  jsem vas
primo nastvat !). Jsou velice pysni na sve dovednosti a schopnost
vytvorit profesionalne vypadajici aplikaci.
     Nekteri  mozna maji  zabrany, ale  to by  bylo treba nejprve
definovat,  co se  tim mini.  Kazdy ma  sklon delat  neco jineho.
Hlavni  vsak  je,  ze   vsichni  resi  velke  mnozstvi  problemu,
spolupracuji, rozdeluji  si ukoly, komunikuji.  Vite, jak moc  se
toho musi naucit, maji-li najit pozadovanou informaci? Neni mozne
se vyhnout osvojeni urcitych znalosti, jsou-li napr. v Internetu,
zvlaste kdyz se v tomto veku jeste stale uci cist.
     Kathy si zkratka jiz vubec neumi predstavit, ze by jeji deti
mohli zit bez technologii.
     Treti mnou  vybrany prispevek je  od Andrewa Toppera.  Je to
odpoved  na dotaz  Nancy Barkhouse,  ktera ma  ve svem  okrese na
starost  prave  zacleneni  technologii  do  osnov  vsech predmetu
a nevi,  jak  to  udelat,   protoze  vybavenost  skol  je  velice
ruznoroda.  Andrew ji  celkem logicky  odpovida, ze  se to presne
definovat  neda,  protoze  kazda  skola  pouziva  pocitace trochu
jinak.  Musi  si  pry   nejprve  ujasnit,  jak  chce  technologie
pouzivat. K tomu ji pridava nekolik napadu:
     1.  jako  pomucka  pro  studenty  k  urychleni vyvoje jejich
     2. komunikacni a publikacni prostredek k vyjadreni
     3.   ucebni  pomucka   pro  studenty,   vyzadujici  zvlastni
     4. nahrada nebo doplnek tradicnich vyukovych prostredku, ad.
     Mate-li pocit, ze takto radit je snadne a ze daleko horsi je
neco  konkretne udelat,  asi se  shodneme. Jedinou  moznosti, jak
vpravit  technologie  do  vyuky  vsech  predmetu,  je, podle meho
nazoru, presvedcit a naucit ucitele s pocitacem pracovat a chapat
ho  jako  bezny  pracovni  nastroj.  Ale  to  uz  jste jiste take
mnohokrat slyseli. Asi nam ale nezbyde  nic jineho, nez se k tomu
zas a znovu vracet.
     Zdravi vas
Date:         Wed, 17 Jan 1996 22:17:42 EST
From:         Sophia Smith <>
Subject:      Re: Technology - How can it Help Students Succeed
To:           Multiple recipients of list EDTECH <EDTECH@MSU.EDU>
Dr. Don Zarlengo <> wrote:
>I would be interested in what others think with respect to Technology.  How
>can it help students succeed?  Does it hinder them in anyway?
        I think the real question is how can they succeed without
technology in the 21st century.  It is our generation that is questioning
the usefulness of technology.  Many have the "Fear Of Computing." The
younger generation does not have that.  They have not experienced a
lifetime without it.
        The key in not making technology a failure is to integrate it
within our curriculum.  If it stays as an outside entity, an extra utility,
it will fail us. We have to adapt to change. It will take time.
Unfortunately, there is not a lot of time left.
Sophia Smith
Tenaya Middle School
Fresno, CA
Date:         Thu, 18 Jan 1996 23:53:09 EST
From:         Kathy Shaw <>
Subject:      Re: Technology - How can it Help Students Succeed
To:           Multiple recipients of list EDTECH <EDTECH@MSU.EDU>
Hi, Don!
I'm going to be working on a thesis concerning technology's role in enabling
systemic reform in elementary education.  I'd be interested in hearing any
responses you receive to your question, as well as your thoughts on the
Personally, I've seen some pretty amazing changes in the students on my
3rd/4th grade team this year.  We have a highly technology-oriented group of
three teachers who have promoted technology substantially this year.  It's
been just amazing to see how enthusiastic and independent the kids have
become in their quest for information via technology.  They absolutely LOVE
research!  They have access to CD-ROM, internet, electronic mail, scanners,
color printers, digital cameras, and a whole host of other software
applications.  They've become so proud of their skills and the abilities they
have to create professional looking presentations.
I guess it can hinder some kids, but you'd have to define what "hindering"
really is.  There are kids that tend to spend a lot of time designing, and
those that struggle with learning the applications, but the flip side is
there is an incredible amount of problem solving, collaborating, sharing, and
communicating going on!  And do you realize how much learning they're doing
in learning to scan to find relevant information?  Wow!  There's no way they
can avoid learning that skill when they're on the internet, especially since
this age group is still really learning to read.
I can't imagine life without the technology being available to them!  Hope
this helps!
Kathy Schaw
Date:         Fri, 19 Jan 1996 00:04:41 EST
From:         Andy Topper <>
Subject:      Re: Cross-Curricular Implementation
To:           Multiple recipients of list EDTECH <EDTECH@MSU.EDU>
Nancy Barkhouse wrote:
> I've been asked to help "develop guidelines for cross-curricular
> implementation of technology" for our school district.
> These guidelines should reflect the resources currently available
> in our schools.
> Every school has at least 1 computer and modem used to connect to
> our local Wildcat BBS.  Many schools have 1 multimedia computer to share.
> Some schools have full Interent networked labs.  The rest are somewhere in
> between.  Any suggestions?
How are you thinking that computers (and the associated
communications technology that goes with them) will be "used" within
the classroom?
IMHO, this will determine (or help to shape) your plans for cross
curriculum use. For example, some schools are using computers for
individual use - students use them just like other library media
resources. Other schools are using them as a means of connecting
students, teachers, and classrooms to the wider community - experts
in the field, students in Japan, etc.
There are ways of incorporating technology into any K-12 curriculum,
but first you must consider "how" you want to use technology. Some
1) As tools for students to "amplify" their cognitive development
2) As communication/publication media for students to broaden their
3) As instructional delivery for students with special needs to get
special attention
4) As replacements/extensions to traditional media
Good luck!
Andrew Topper